Playing games is a favorite pastime of many, including myself. So one day when I was feeling lazy... er, I mean, when it was time for a break, I looked for a game to play online and found this...
Memento Monster. =)
I know, I know. It's Christmastime now and this is more Halloween-themed. But well, it was the one that caught my attention. =P
It's the memory type of game where you flip cards and look for the matching pair. The difference with this game is that you're not just looking for identical pairs of cards. Instead, you have monster cards and their corresponding weapon cards. So, in addition to the usual challenge of remembering where the cards are in the grid and finding all the pairs in the allotted time, you have to figure out first which weapon goes with which monster. Some examples are: the shotgun for the zombie, the garlic for the vampire, the mousetrap for the monster rat, and so forth.
When you finally run out of time and the game ends, the level of achievement you reach will depend on how high your score is. (And as you can see below, I'm only halfway through unlocking all the achievements. =P )
At this point, there is a "Retry Last Level" button so you can resume from the previous level again, try to win it, and continue improving your score.
The graphics are nice. The music and sounds are just right. And even though I haven't finished it yet, I'm happy to recommend it to others. =) I like this game! So much so that I thought of not only writing about it, but starting this blog because of it. Haha. =P
One downside to this game, though, is that when you close your game window and decide to come back to it again sometime later, you'll have to start again from the beginning. I see no feature allowing you to save your game, or choose a particular level, so that you can just continue improving your score from where you left off the last time. In any case, still a good game! I recommend it. =)
If you wish to try it out this game, just follow this link.
[Note: I reposted this in bubblews. Please also check my articles there. Thanks! =) ]
Hello there! I'm Valentina, co-author of Memento Monster :). I want to thank you for the nice review, I'm glad you enjoyed the game! ^ _ ^